Hi, I’m Robbie the owner of Radio Control Headquarters (RCHQ). If you have a minute and you enjoy this hobby, I’d like to tell you a quick story.
I got started in this hobby when my nephews talked me into buying a pair of Nitro Stampede monster trucks. We took them home, read the directions, carefully broke them in, and then tuned ’em up. I knew I was hooked the first time I smelled the nitro, squeezed the trigger, and watch that little sucker wheelie all the way up my driveway until the tires fell off (okay, maybe we didn’t read all the directions … what’s tire glue?).
We stuck the wheels back on and played all weekend, that is, until a friend hit a rock with one of the trucks and it would no longer move. Unsure of what to do and convinced my new monster-truck was ruined, I loaded it up and took it back to the store where I purchased it hoping to get some help. Luckily, the guy who sold it to me was there and he cheerfully explained that the engine had simply moved forward and wasn’t touching the spur gear anymore. “Oh, I see,” I said completely clueless, but he promptly showed me how to fix it. And he remembered my name. At the very moment – he had a loyal customer.
Over the next couple of years I purchased more than a dozen RC vehicles and all my accessories from that same store. I spent thousands of dollars. At the time, I was in the tech industry, so of course I knew money could be saved buying online, but I stayed loyal. It was always worth it to buy from them because they were there every time I needed help. Plus, it was a fun place to hangout; I went by often to chat with the knowledgeable staff and with the people who shared similar interest. I enjoyed watching the racing; you can learn more in a day of hanging out in the pits, than a year of trying to figure it out on your own.
Nowadays I have my own hobby store and racetrack and have carried those lessons from the early days into my business.
- This is a Hobby, we sell rather complex little machines – not video games or disposable toys. Hobbyist will always need help repairing, upgrading, tuning, and personalizing their cars. RCHQ employs some of the best pros in the business. These guys have tuned, repaired and serviced literally thousands of cars, boats, planes choppers, buggies, trucks, quads and just about any other RC you can think of.
It’s safe to say our little store does more for the RC Community in an average day than the big internet stores will do in their entire existence … but the internet stores are killing us. Hobby stores close at an alarming rate: I have personally witnessed dozens of them close in a very short amount of time
We even have to compete against our own manufacturer’s and distributor’s websites as they continue to drive down prices while competing against each other, and don’t get me started on all the ridiculously cheap stuff coming out of China … sigh … what a mess.
A typical day of counter tops so full of people needing help, it’s hard to ring up a sale
- We all need to save money anyway we can, but our prices are very competitive, online merchants cannot even come close to the value-added services we provide, and no matter how hard they try – they cannot make it fun! So where will people go for help when the LHS is gone, or at best, forced to no longer specialize and become general stores catering to a wide variety of retail high margin, low support products? What will happen to the places we go to hangout with our friends and fellow enthusiast are gone?
There’s an old saying that goes something like this, no one ever retires or gets rich from owning a hobby store. A few brick-and-mortar stores have proven this to be the exception, but for the most part it is accurate. The only ones getting rich and retiring these days are the big internet dealers. The same guys who do not know who you are and probably don’t really care either. To them it’s all low margin and huge volume, and it takes a whole lot of customers to keep that business model going. Yeah, I know, it’s called Globalization, I should stop my whining, and get with the times; we are getting our e-store going, but many still won’t shop with us because they have to pay sales taxes. Sorry, I digress, but just because it’s happening doesn’t make it right.
Finally, RCHQ has a policy of trying not to mix our business with your pleasure; I hope you will forgive me this breach. What I’m really trying to say is nothing can replace the soul of a real hobby store. I love this hobby and the people in it and wouldn’t trade my experiences over the last decade for anything. We’ll keep battling the giants (even the ones that feed us), working our butts off to earn your business, fighting the good fight, and providing a service as long as we can. All we can hope for is that you think about us, and the others like us, before you click the add to cart button of one of the mega-sites again.
The people are the heart and soul of the hobby and the Local Hobby Stores are the heart and soul of the hobby industry. We need each other.
We’ll do our best to remember your name. Thanks for visiting our humble website, God Bless,
Robbie Allen
Friendly, knowledgeable, and fun staff! I’ve only been once, but will return! I just wish y’all weren’t all the way across town from me!
Thanks Greg, great having you as a customer!
I just bought my first hobby rc truck the traxxas stampede 2wd had it 2 days. Slammed it into a curb while in an out of control spinoff. Broke the right wheel off took it to the shop and one the guys there Michael I believe his name was. Not only fixed my rc. But took me through every step of the process to fix it if I ever had the problem again. The man was very informative and have me several tips and suggestions to better my experience. All around he didn’t make me feel like an idiot for wrecking my new toy 24 hours after I got . Thanks for the help to all the guys at rchq.
I started this hobby only 2 months ago because I was tired of sitting alone in my room playing video games. Now, I would rather give up my xbox than my cars. The people have been amazingly friendly and helpful. When I want or need a part, I go to RCHQ because I KNOW that I’m getting what I need. They take out the guess work and they are friendly and supportive while they do it. You won’t get that from amazon or ebay. Customer service is worth the extra cost.
Great to have you hanging out with us Michael
To Whom it Concerns.
Hello my name is Steve Martinez . I am a representative of the San Antonio Tx based RC scale crawling group. We are on Facebook and Instagram. We are starting a Autism Awareness Charity build based on an Axial Scx10 chassis. The group will be attending a charity walk “WALK FOR AUTISM” a 4 mile walk to raise funds with our RC crawlers which takes place April 18th. We will be raffling the charity build and all proceeds will go to an Autism Awareness charity fund. We currently have a few sponsors for the build whichs includes Axial Racing , CWcrawler rc parts. Inc , Madskills of Texas and CBE Rc Fab. We would love to include your products on the charity build. Autism is close to the groups heart seeing how many of the group members deal with it in their own families. Including myself and my family. My stepson is diagnosed with Autism. The group would like to ask if there is anything that you can help us with on the project. Thank you for your time ..and hope to hear from you soon.
San Antonio Crawlers
Steve Martinez
1414 Bluff Forest
San Antonio tx 78248
Hi Steve,
We’d be glad to get involved, it’s a great cause! How about a nice set of steel wheels for the truck? Please get with Will Moldenhauer for the details and let him know if that’s okay or if you’d like something else instead of the wheels.
Today I was *this* close to buying a set of wheels and tires at Amazon. But a little voice in my head told me to head to RCHQ. Went there at lunch time, got my stuff, and left happy, always receiving excellent service. Price difference? About $4 all in all (peanuts!), plus I didn’t have to wait, enjoyed looking around the store, and got my stuff right now. Can’t put a price on that.
Going there on Sunday to break in the new tires! 🙂
Excellent, we really appreciate your business, thanks!
You had me at hello homie. ☺
Hello Robbie,
I just read your letter and let me say this, you have a new loyal customer, and i don’t really buyed anything yet!
Well, I´m from Mexico, and I being searching for the best options, i want to buy a rc electric RTR car, can you help me ? A buggy or a short course..
Which brands do you have? which models? i´m a beginner so every tips are very welcome.
Thank You.
Best Regards.
Thank you Paco, we really appreciate your kind words.
We carry all the major brands: Traxxas, HPI, ECX, etc., and can get just about model of RC car. You’ve asked a great question that is difficult to answer – the good thing about this hobby is there are a lot of choices, and the bad thing about this hobby is there are a lot of choices! There is a ton of information out there (probably too much) and it gets confusing to try figure out what all of it means. Usually the best thing to do is visit a a store, look at the different models, and have a knowledgeable person briefly explain the characteristics of each of them. Usually, during this process one of them will appeal to you.
If you can’t make it to a store, then generally speaking here’s some info on each type of electric cars.
4 wheel drives are easier to operate, but are more expensive than 2 wheel drive.
RC’s with Brushless motor systems are faster and require less maintenance than Brushed motor systems, but they are also more expensive.
Monster Trucks are the most versatile and all around fun to play with. High ground clearance and 4wd make them good jumpers. We often say all you need is a pile of dirt and Monster truck and you have something to do for the next hour.
Short Course are the strongest. They are fun to play around with and are also popular on the racetrack. I’m currently driving a Team Losi Ten-SCTE RTR and having a blast with it.
Buggies are more of a competition type RC. Sure, you can drive them anywhere, but they are the most a home on a track.
Stadium Trucks are good all around trucks and well-liked by younger drivers.
Crawlers and Rock Racers are cool because of their realism or “scale” looks.
On-Road cars are fun, but are not as popular as the off-road vehicles.
In our experience, the Horizon Hobby (ECX, Vaterra, Team Losi, TLR) and Traxxas brands make some great cars for every budget, and they have the best customer support by far. This is important if you have a problem with the car because not only will they stand behind their products, they make it easy for us to get help if we need it. HPI Racing carries some nice cars and so does Team Associated.
I left a lot of stuff out (didn’t want to write a book), but hopefully this will narrow down your search some.